IN-POWERMENT Gone Viral: Vol 1 & 2
IN-POWEREMENT is a call to BE fully powered from within your Self in each and every moment. The limitless power of your Greater Self is summoned in each and every moment, with each and every single thing you allow to take your focus and attention. The power to be connected, the power to be in Flow, the power to be the author and owner of all that you perceive and experience is always entirely in your hands.
Both volumes of IN-POWERMENT Gone Viral bring you the most shared and re-blogged empowering and inspiring quotes from Kidest OM. Throughout these pages, you are reminded to return to your center, to return to your power, to return to your seat of authorship. These books are your easily accessible source and resource for awakening to your power at anytime and anywhere.
While you may have bookmarked or saved or printed some of these reflections and reminders on your power, Volume 1 puts over 150 of them all in one place and at your fingertips, while Volume 2 puts an additional 200+ reminders in your reach. You have essentially selected many of the quotes in this book by sharing and re-sharing them as much as you have.
You are at all times and in all ways powered from within. These books will help you remember that.
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